Please be assured that your order will be shipped within 2 business days from the date of the order. Our normal business days are Monday-Friday. Often items are shipped the same day as the order is received, including Saturday. If it is important to know the day your item(s) was shipped, call or text (617) 299-1236 to determine that information.
Normal shipping is First Class USPS. Other choices are available upon request. Additional charges will be passed on to the customer in the case where the requested alternative has higher charges. PO Boxes can only receive shipping via USPS. If you’re trying to estimate when a package will be delivered, please note the following: Credit card authorization and verification must be received prior to processing. Federal Express and UPS deliveries occur Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. If you require faster shipping, please call or text us at (617) 299-1236 to make that arrangement and determine the pricing.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not collect sales tax on any product or service for customers outside of Massachusetts. Check with your state and/or local government for your responsibilities regarding sales tax on any item purchased over the internet.